A child above 1 year of age, if he chokes on a solid item, may not be able to speak or cough or breathe. If you suspect your child is choking, ask if he is choking. If he is not able to respond, immediately start the first aid for choking child.
First aid for choking in a child
Follow these steps in the given order to dislodge the choked item from a child’s throat. Stop at any point the piece lodged in the windpipe is dislodged:
- Coughing out – constantly for a couple of minutes
- Back blows – 5 times
- Check mouth
- Abdominal thrust – 5 times
- Repeat step 2-4 as required

source: https://goo.gl/NBqY1r
Coughing out
To dislodge the choking item, first, ask your kid to cough a few times. Many a time, constant coughing can help to remove the item from the windpipe.
Back blows
If coughing does not dislodge the item, or your child cannot cough, ask your child to lean forward a bit. With one hand across shoulders, help the child to lean forward. Use the heel of your palm to give back blows. Give 5 firm back blows.
Check mouth
Check mouth if choking item has dislodged. If it is dislodged and in the child’s mouth, use your fingertips to remove it.
Note: Never use your finger or forceps to dislodge a stuck item; it may push the object further into the windpipe.
Abdominal thrust
If back blows do not work, give abdominal thrusts (also called Heimlich manoeuvre). Stand or kneel behind the child (depends on his height; you should be able to hug him from behind). Place your hand around the child. Close fist of one hand tightly and place it just below the chest-cage. Press another hand on the fist and pull both hands firmly inwards and upwards. Repeat the abdominal thrust 5 times.
Check mouth for the dislodged solid item.
Repeat back slap and chest trust till required
Continue the first aid for choking i.e. to give back blows (5 times), abdominal thrust (5 times) till medical help arrives or you reach emergency ward, or the obstructing item is removed. In between back blows and abdominal thrusts, check baby’s mouth for the dislodged piece.
If your child continues to choke, PLEASE SEEK HELP:
- Call* the nearest hospital/emergency ward for help
- Take your child to the nearest hospital if emergency service cannot reach you
- Perform the first-aid steps for choking until medical assistance is available
Note: *When dialling for help, you can continue the first aid for choking (the back blows, check mouth & abdominal thrust) by keeping the phone on loudspeaker.
If the child becomes unresponsive and is not breathing, start CPR. Continue with CPR till medical help is available, or child regains normal breathing.
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Click here to know more about administering first aid to kids.
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