Anu Chi Aai is a platform for Indian parents to find answers to all questions and worries related to parenting and childcare!
Motherhood is a life-changing experience. It is a constant, roller-coaster ride. Parenting entails a lot of learning, I remember being clueless about so many things. Like, what to eat during pregnancy, how to pack my hospital bag, how to pump and store excess breastmilk, what solids to start, and so on.
I was really fortunate to find the right people who lovingly guided me through the initial part of this journey with their invaluable experience and advice!
My mother – a treasure trove of traditional childcare wisdom
My prenatal teacher – a staunch promoter of minimum interventional delivery and exclusive breastfeeding
My doctor friends – demystifying anything related to childcare which requires medical expertise
My group of fellow moms – who trod the path a few months or years before me

Summer fun in the Indian metros – Activities for kids under Rs 100!
Hold on to your wallets, people. The summer holidays are here and it’s enough to fill you with dread. A month and a half of free calendar space that will demand to be filled with [...]
The summer checklist: Head to toe protection for your child
Sweaters have been mothballed and shunted to the dark corners of your closet. Ice cream advertisements have flooded your TV. And the roadside pavement is hot enough to fry an egg on. Summer is [...]
Baby jaundice – Know why it happens and how to deal with it
At my barely a week old son’s first doctor’s appointment, the assistant pressed his skin with her fingers, looked at his eyes and announced he had jaundice. I nearly fell out of my chair. [...]
A mother’s guide to enhance a child’s gross motor skills
Ever seen a professional ballerina dance? Impressive, isn’t it? Her posture, grace and incredible body control is physical perfection at its peak. In other words, her gross motor skills are highly developed. Not all [...]
Home items to engage kids in fun & stimulating activities
As a baby grows and developmental milestones unfold, he is on a quest of discovery & adventure. Parents often enquire of ways to engage kids in activities that are fun and cater to their [...]
Develop a child’s fine motor skills with easy activities
When you pick up a pencil or use it to write, you have the strong muscles in your thumb and index finger to thank. The tweezer-like act is what helps you button your clothes [...]


Summer fun under Rs 100 – Activities for kids in Pune, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad & Bangalore
The signs of successful summer vacation: Exploring new things ✔ Connecting with nature ✔ Having a fabulous time together as a family ✔ Accomplishing all of the above on a budget of Rs 100 per [...]
Toddler tantrums – Tackle them without losing your mind
I sat in the corner of a plush hotel lobby, while my toddler bawled his eyes out while lying on his back on the cold marble flooring. I should have been furious. Instead, I [...]
The DOs and DON’Ts of travelling with a baby
A week before I have to travel with my baby, an army of butterflies erupts in my stomach. 3 days to d-day, and crippling panic sets in. The night before the travel, I find [...]