Anu Chi Aai is a platform for Indian parents to find answers to all questions and worries related to parenting and childcare!
Motherhood is a life-changing experience. It is a constant, roller-coaster ride. Parenting entails a lot of learning, I remember being clueless about so many things. Like, what to eat during pregnancy, how to pack my hospital bag, how to pump and store excess breastmilk, what solids to start, and so on.
I was really fortunate to find the right people who lovingly guided me through the initial part of this journey with their invaluable experience and advice!
My mother – a treasure trove of traditional childcare wisdom
My prenatal teacher – a staunch promoter of minimum interventional delivery and exclusive breastfeeding
My doctor friends – demystifying anything related to childcare which requires medical expertise
My group of fellow moms – who trod the path a few months or years before me

Child nutrition: Myths about healthy eating busted
There was a concerned mother who once moaned about her daughter’s lack of appetite at lunchtime. Apparently, the young child wouldn’t eat a bite of food no matter how much the mother pleaded. As [...]
How to make a baby sleep without breastfeeding
The first time my little baby boy fell asleep at my breast, I was delighted. This tiny, pink-bellied bundle giving off soft snores while I cuddle him was my definition of heaven. Gradually every [...]
Baby Dental Care – Top 5 kids toothpastes and toothbrushes
source: The sign of the first tooth in your baby’s mouth adds another task on your already overflowing to-do list. You now have to add dental care to your routine. Even though baby [...]
Sterilisation: How to clean baby feeding equipments and more
As every new mother will testify, newborn babies are terrifying. They’re tiny and delicate, so you want to do everything in your power to protect them. Especially, from that army of germs lurking around [...]
Baby on board: The tips and tricks of travelling by flight
Travelling by airplane is an easy, quick and painless way to get to your destination. Unless you’re traveling with a baby. Then it’s fresh hell on wheels. The first time I took my son on [...]
Deworming your child: How to prevent and protect from worms
Worms belong underground. Or at the end of a fishing rod. They certainly don't belong inside my little one's digestive tract. Imagine my horror when my son's preschool principal advised all parents to deworm their [...]


A mothers’ guide to the first month with a newborn baby
You’ve read the pre-natal books. You’ve attended the classes. You’ve bought out the entire newborn section in the kids’ clothing department. Yet, all of that preparation evaporates into thin air when your obstetrician hands you [...]
Why every mother needs yoga in her life
It was the end of the day. Well actually, it was only 5 pm, but I was ready to call it a day. My back was crookedly bent from clearing the never-ending clutter of toys [...]
8 fantastic science books for your always-curious child!
"But why?" My 7-year-old son asks this question so often that I'm tempted to wipe out the first name on his birth certificate and register these two words instead. His natural curiosity is astounding. The [...]