
Anu Chi Aai is a platform for Indian parents to find answers to all questions and worries related to parenting and childcare!

Motherhood is a life-changing experience. It is a constant, roller-coaster ride. Parenting entails a lot of learning, I remember being clueless about so many things. Like, what to eat during pregnancy, how to pack my hospital bag, how to pump and store excess breastmilk, what solids to start, and so on.

I was really fortunate to find the right people who lovingly guided me through the initial part of this journey with their invaluable experience and advice!

My mother – a treasure trove of traditional childcare wisdom
My prenatal teacher – a staunch promoter of minimum interventional delivery and exclusive breastfeeding
My doctor friends – demystifying anything related to childcare which requires medical expertise
My group of fellow moms – who trod the path a few months or years before me

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A mother’s review of Audible by Amazon  Baby Products, Kids Activities READ MORE I greatly encourage my daughter's love for all types of books. Her eyes light up in the presence of tomes, and it reminds me of the joy I experienced reading during my childhood. However, there's a catch. I can re-read 'Room on the Broom' to my toddler only so many times before my left eye starts twitching in irritation. It's hard to express the same high level of enthusiasm after reading the same book seven times in a row. It is of those few times in motherhood I wished I could outsource the job while I sipped on a hot How to tackle your baby’s teething Childcare READ MORE When my baby was almost four months of age, he became quite fascinated with my finger. Or, to be more specific, chewing his way across the length of my index digit. He’d grab it with his tiny fingers and then proceed to chomp till my skin shrivelled and pruned. Apparently he was teething, and the action offered some relief from the discomfort his gums were experiencing. He frequently reached out for things to chew, which can be quite disconcerting for a mother. After all, I couldn’t sanitise the pointy ends of a tabletop. Bottles, hairs combs, and books were all Haldi doodh: The comeback health story of the century Health READ MORE There is an ancient saying, ‘She who laughs last, laughs best’. ‘She’ being all our grandmothers and elders whose advice was shunted in favour of more modern, westernised health remedies. It took a health revolution in first world countries for us to realise the invaluable treasure chest of nutritional advice we possess at our fingertips.  And now, it’s almost as if an invisible hand has whacked us on the head, as realisation dawns and we begin to appreciate the many benefits of the classic health drink, haldi doodh. Benefits of haldi doodh: As the Western world grew more health conscious, many millennials looked Why your kids need sunglasses all year round Baby Products READ MORE We live in a very sun-friendly country, where there’s no escaping the blaze of the afternoon sun even in the deepest of winter. While sunlight is essential for your well-being, Your child needs eye protection from harsh UV rays, especially when out in the sun for an extended time. A pair of well-fitted dark glasses will keep the glare out and allow your child to take in the world without squinting.  The good news is, sunglasses are stylish accessories that most kids love to wear. So you won’t hear any ‘Do I have to?!’ when they’re asked to put them on. How to care for your baby’s umbilical cord stump Infant Care READ MORE It may not be an event to which most new mothers pay attention. After all, they’re exhausted from the sheer act of bringing a new life into the world. But the severing of the joined umbilical cord is such a significant occasion in your maternal journey. It officially marks the end of your pregnancy and the start of motherhood. However, once the cut is made, your little one is left with a small stump that will take a few days before it falls off, leaving behind a belly button. The importance of the shared lifeline The cord connects the foetus to the A mother’s review of Audible by Amazon How to tackle your baby’s teethingHaldi doodh: The comeback health story of the centuryWhy your kids need sunglasses all year roundHow to care for your baby’s umbilical cord stump


    A mother’s journey of recovering from postpartum depression

    April 10th, 2018|Postnatal, Postpartum|

    Postpartum depression, a type of mood disorder, is common but often ignored/undetected condition in females post delivery. Ignorance about PPD is prevalent. Also, it has a social stigma attached to it. This guest post is [...]

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