Anu Chi Aai is a platform for Indian parents to find answers to all questions and worries related to parenting and childcare!
Motherhood is a life-changing experience. It is a constant, roller-coaster ride. Parenting entails a lot of learning, I remember being clueless about so many things. Like, what to eat during pregnancy, how to pack my hospital bag, how to pump and store excess breastmilk, what solids to start, and so on.
I was really fortunate to find the right people who lovingly guided me through the initial part of this journey with their invaluable experience and advice!
My mother – a treasure trove of traditional childcare wisdom
My prenatal teacher – a staunch promoter of minimum interventional delivery and exclusive breastfeeding
My doctor friends – demystifying anything related to childcare which requires medical expertise
My group of fellow moms – who trod the path a few months or years before me

Protecting your child from the Sun’s harmful UV radiation
One of the commonly overlooked parts of baby care in India is the protection of our young ones from the Sun. Well, they say 90% of urban Indian population is deficient in Vitamin D. [...]
Travelling with a baby – Should you buy a travel cooker?
There surely comes a moment in every mother’s life where she must face the inevitable: travelling long distance with her baby. Which presses an even bigger issue: what will the baby eat? Many mothers [...]
Scissoring is an acquired skill – How to help your child learn it
Anu had an obsessive-compulsive phase when she was around 20 months old: she insisted us on opening any package as soon as we received it (online shopping you see). I was surprised by Anu's fascination [...]
What you need to know about baby acne
When my daughter L was only a few weeks old, my husband lovingly put her down for a nap, and then softly whispered in my ear, “Is she going through puberty already?” The reason [...]
A fellow Indian mother’s guide to childcare in winter
Winter season brings about shorter days and there is a nip in the air. The aroma of hot chocolate permeates your senses. In a country like India, winter is cause for celebration. Bring out the woollen [...]
Why Cloth Diapers – An Indian mother’s guide to cloth diapering
Cloth diapers are gradually (and rightfully) becoming popular amongst Indian parents. Last decade saw a spike in the use of disposable diapers, especially in urban India. However disposable diapers, due to use of chemicals, are [...]


Motherhood diaries – Life lessons I learnt from my children
I have a theory about kids. They make brilliant teachers. If you pay keen attention, you’ll notice their natural tendencies makes up what we call ‘hero material’ (no fear of failure, focus, keen observation, [...]
How a mother’s emotional health affects her baby
A new mother has to deal with round the clock demands of infant care. In the process, she is often sleep-deprived and fatigued. Infant care can be overwhelming at times. It is common to feel [...]
A first time mother’s journal about her postpartum depression
Postpartum depression (PPD) can occur to any new mother. There are various reasons that can cause PPD. Good news is that it is curable with the right guidance. Accepting the condition is the first step [...]