Anu Chi Aai is a platform for Indian parents to find answers to all questions and worries related to parenting and childcare!
Motherhood is a life-changing experience. It is a constant, roller-coaster ride. Parenting entails a lot of learning, I remember being clueless about so many things. Like, what to eat during pregnancy, how to pack my hospital bag, how to pump and store excess breastmilk, what solids to start, and so on.
I was really fortunate to find the right people who lovingly guided me through the initial part of this journey with their invaluable experience and advice!
My mother – a treasure trove of traditional childcare wisdom
My prenatal teacher – a staunch promoter of minimum interventional delivery and exclusive breastfeeding
My doctor friends – demystifying anything related to childcare which requires medical expertise
My group of fellow moms – who trod the path a few months or years before me

Useful tips to make your kids eat healthy & avoid junk food
My son was almost 3 years when a well-meaning person offered him his first chocolate biscuit. Till then I had carefully managed to avoid any junk from escaping down my kid’s throat. No processed sugar, [...]
The baby wish list: What to buy from abroad
Raise your hand (stretch it if you like) if this has happened to you: Your sibling/cousin/college friend is visiting from USA/Singapore/Australia/UK etc. and wants to know if you want anything for your baby. If you [...]
Why you need to know more about intussusception
A few days back, I read a rather disturbing message in a WhatsApp group. The group admin informed us that a fellow mom lost her baby to Intussusception. An 18.5-month-old baby had vomited her [...]
Adventures in toilet training – Via traditional & modern ways
There is a scene in every sci-fi movie where it appears as if the aliens have won and humankind is doomed. Exactly that is how I felt when toilet training my son K. Pure [...]
Sippy Cup – A detailed & complete buying guide
Which Sippy cup/straw cup should I buy? A question parents often ask when their baby is ready to start solids, or needs to transition from feeding bottle. You may hear/read terms like a [...]
Playing with colours: How to unleash your child’s creativity
Renowned painter MF Hussein encouraged young children to colour on the walls in his house. He believed that creativity in children should be encouraged, not stifled. While I agree with his philosophy, I tweaked [...]


Easy & tasty mukhwas a.k.a. mouth freshener recipe
source: Post delivery, a mother's body requires various nutrients to recover from childbirth, aid lactation, and gain strength. Not just that the sleepless nights with a newborn can cause acidity. So one needs [...]
Summer fun in the Indian metros – Activities for kids under Rs 100!
Hold on to your wallets, people. The summer holidays are here and it’s enough to fill you with dread. A month and a half of free calendar space that will demand to be filled with [...]
Mothers need sleep – Get some shuteye before you slip!
Ever woken up at 3 am with a baby on your lap with no idea how he got there? I have. I remember placing my son back in his crib in a daze, but [...]